Take a look at some of the pinball machines I have worked on and the type of work I do. The before and after pictures will surprise you. Thank you for trusting your machine with us.
Transporter the Rescue
Issue – Game tilts when a ball hits the upper left pop-bumper while the player is holding the right flipper button.
Diagnosis and Solution – The source of the problem was resolved by replacing 2 switches, 3 diodes, and 1 optocoupler IC.
Godzilla Premium
Issue – The building makes an awful noise while moving up and down.
Diagnosis and Solution – Tested and observed the source of the sound. Resolved it by properly aligning the bushings and metal brackets under the playfield.
Issue – Ball shoots out of the garage and straight down the drain every time.
Diagnosis and Solution – Disassembled and inspected the VUK bracket scoop assembly. Resolved by replacing the garage VUK bracket/scoop which had multiple broken welds.